Edouard Baer on France Inter and the Première


From the L’Archiduc café in Brussels, Edouard Baer is surrounded by numerous guests and accomplices … for « Lumières dans la nuit belge » (Lights in the Belgian Night), live on France Inter and RTBF-La Première.

The guests
Alex Vizorek. He hosted the 9th edition of the Magritte Awards for Belgian cinema on February 2nd.
François Damiens. His film « Mon Ket » was nominated for the Magritte Awards.
Noël Godin, the famous pie thrower; Belgian anarcho-humoristic agitator! Accompanied by Madox, a Belgian activist.
Cécile Maistre-Chabrol, stepdaughter and close collaborator of Claude Chabrol for 25 years. Her documentary « Chabrol l’anticonformiste » (Chabrol the Nonconformist), which recounts the famous Chabrol method, will be broadcast on Arte as part of the Chabrol Cycle on February 17th and 18th from 8:50 PM and available for replay on arte.tv.
David Murgia, actor. In 2009, David Murgia co-founded the Raoul Collectif and created Le Signal du promeneur in 2012, which was a great success. After meeting Ascanio Celestini for Discours à la nation in 2013, the actor and author continued their collaboration by opening a « bar trilogy, » of which Laïka (2017) is the first installment.
Greg Houben, musician. A trumpeter by training, his album « Un belge à Rio » (A Belgian in Rio) was released last spring. He performs live his cover of Mylène Farmer’s « Pourvu qu’elles soient douces » and « Animal. »
Elvis Pompilio, famous milliner and hatter based in Brussels.
and other surprises…